Category Archives: Articles

Bats Are Not Blind

Myth: Bats are blind The saying “blind as a bat”, simply isn’t correct. The truth is that all 1,100 bat species can see and often their vision is pretty good, although not as excellent as many other night-hunting animals. There are two main groups of bats, which are believed to have evolved independently of each other, but both from a […]

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Why Chocolate is Bad for Dogs

Dog Eating Chocolate

Today I found out why chocolate is bad for dogs. Chocolate contains an alkaloid called “theobromine”.  Theobromine is in the same family as caffeine and is a type of stimulant (they both are mythylxanines).  Theobromine stimulates the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, and causes a slightly increases blood pressure. Dogs and certain other animals, such as horses and cats, cannot […]

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Astronauts on the International Space Station See Around 15 Sunrises & Sunsets Every Day

Today I found out that the astronauts and cosmonauts on the International Space Station witness around 15 sunrises and 15 sunsets every day. The International Space Station orbits about 354 kilometers (220 miles) above the Earth and travels at approximately  27,700 km/hr (17,211 mph), so it takes about 92 minutes to circle the Earth once. For this reason, every 45 […]

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The Difference Between Discrete and Discreet

Today I found out the difference between discrete and discreet. Simply put, “discreet” describes showing “reserve, prudence, or cautiousness” in one’s behavior or speech.  “Discrete”, on the other hand, means “distinct, separate, or unrelated”.   A quick and easy mnemonic to remember the difference is to see that in “discrete”, unlike “discreet”, the “e’s” are separated and the definition itself is […]

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What Nougat Is Made Of

Today I found out what nougat is made of. There are three main types of nougat: white nougat; brown nougat; and German nougat.  White nougat is made primarily from whipping egg whites, sugar, nuts (usually almonds, pistachios, or hazelnuts), and honey together.  Brown nougat is made in a very similar fashion as white nougat, except generally without the egg whites […]

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Why Championship Football Games are Called “Bowls”

Today I found out why championship football games are called “bowls”. In 1901, the Roses Association sponsored a college Tournament East-West football game between Michigan and Stanford.  In this game, Stanford quit in the third quarter, being down 49-0.  For the next 15 years, this annual event stopped featuring football, rather featured other events such as chariot racing.  However, in […]

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Why the Number Four Is Considered Unlucky In Some East Asian Cultures

Today I found out why the number four is considered to be unlucky in some East Asian cultures (mainland China, Japan, Korea,  and Taiwan,  among others). In the Chinese culture, whether a number is considered auspicious or not typically depends on whether the number’s name sounds similar to other words with positive or negative meanings or connotations. With respect to […]

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