Why Getting Kicked in the Balls Causes Pain in the Abdomen
Today I found out why getting kicked in the balls hurts in the abdomen, not just the region that was actually impacted.
Testes originally form in the abdomen near the stomach and kidneys. The nerves and blood vessels remain attached in that region, even after the balls drop. So when a guy gets kicked in the balls or otherwise has his nuts squished, the pain involved travels up from each testicle into the abdominal cavity, via the spermatic plexus, which is the primary nerve of each testicle, and then to the spine.
In addition to the pain in the stomach area, many men also experience severe nausea. This is thought to be caused by a huge rush of sympathetic nervous system discharge. So the body’s tolerance level for that rush determines whether that person will be someone susceptible to actually vomiting when kicked in the nuts.
So bottom line, getting kicked in the balls = severe pain in testicles + severe abdominal pain + quite a bit of nausea and possible vomiting. Good times.
Bonus Facts:
- The testes of the Right whale are the largest of any animal, each weighing around 500 kg (1,100 lb).
- Getting kicked or hit in the balls can actual damage a man’s reproductive abilities. Further, if the force is severe enough, possibly requiring removal the testicle(s) itself. This, in turn, can cause other significant medical problems, especially if both need removed.
- In many places of the world, it is actually considered sexual assault to kick a man in the testicles intentionally in non-self defense situations, due to the above potential medical problems that can result in such an act.
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This hurt my abdomen just reading it (sympathy pain).
i’m soooo glad i’m a girl! LOL!
As a man I know that your boobs and vagina and clitoris are very sensitive I am so glad I am a boy
I do martial arts ?. .
My friends 6 year old son got kicked in the balls by a girl at school. She did it so hard that they have ascended back up. Is this normal, will they come down on their own or should they seek medical help? i am a female so i dont know too much on the matter.
I am not sure about this situation, but your friends should definitely take him to the doctor or to a hospital or something, cause it is possible that with a good kick in the balls can cause defects serious problems in the future I think. I would take him just in case anyway. And this hurt my abdomen Just thinking about this
I could save a lot of guys the heartache and pain by simply offering my castration services, free of charge 😛
H.R. Pufnstuf, you’re the reason men hate women (for all the wrong reasons. Gonads are our source of integrity and valor, do NOT think it is ever funny getting the nads removed.
“In many places of the world, it is actually considered sexual assault to kick a man in the testicles ”
This should be international law, if I punch a women in the vagina im sure I’ll go to jail and be forced to register as a sex offender.
@UKGIRL, i’ll take sensetive testicals over a monthly menstrual cycle any day.
Yes ^^^
^^^ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Agreed.
Also no childbirth.
Woman Kills Man By Squeezing His Testicles – http://gizmodo.com/5905648/woman-kills-man-squeezing-his-testicles
Indian woman kills 20 year old by grabbing his private parts
If you kick a guy in the balls you should be burned shot tortured and thrown in a volcano. Or charged sexual assaulter.
My nephews use to punch and kick me in my testicles and now almost two years later I was feeling my testicles and I felt a lump on it and it was pain at first but I don’t feel it no more
My wife can just tap the bottom of my testicles and they will hurt like crazy what do think is wrong
Man, I found out that it hurts when I was much younger…. oh that hurts….
Just one of the many weaknesses of a man, his balls.
“Getting kicked or hit in the balls can actually damage a man’s reproductive abilities.” I just wanted to point out that testes are not limited to men alone. Women assigned male at birth are born with them too. Additionally, men who were assigned female at birth were born without them. It’s a common misconception that all men have testes and all women have ovaries. 🙂
Tiffany, maybe in your weird, twisted world where a man is “assigned female at birth” or some such madness, but the cold, hard, scientific reality is you are either born physically a MALE, or a FEMALE. It’s not that hard to tell the difference. A MALE has testes and a penis, a FEMALE does not.
This gender fluidity crap is just that, crap. (Yes, I know there are people who are born with both sexual organs) This LGBTQSDFJKHDSITUG agenda is disturbing. Where I live, the government is making it COMPULSORY EDUCATION to teach children as young as 5 years old that they aren’t really a boy or a girl. You want to F*&% up a child?! tell them that.
But its cool, its an ingenious plan at population control as well as weeding out the “undesirables” from the gene pool.
BTW, I’m actually a very liberal person, I just can’t stand this LGBTQSDFJKHDSITUG agenda forcing this crap down everyones throats. You go about your business, I’ll go about mine.
I kicked my older brother so hard he was crying on the floor. He was trying to push me out of his room when I got to push him back he fell over backwards. He was about to get up but had his legs open and I was stood there so I booted him in the privates as hard as I could. I had heels on as well so it would have been so painful. He was 14 at the time and I was only 10 but I made him cry for ages and damaged his privates for life.
wow this comment made me laugh so hard im not even kidding
i feel this pain, and it will still hurt if your kicked or hit in the (girl private part) i think, yeah it will soooo it doesn’t matter if you are a girl or a boy.