Category Archives: Articles

That Time the BBC Made One of the Creepiest Broadcasts of All Time

“I think three women who were pregnant went into labour that evening.” This is a quote from BAFTA winning horror writer Stephen Volk discussing perhaps his most infamous work, Ghostwatch. A BBC special released in 1992 that resulted in a quantifiable percentage of the British public watching at home believing that the spirit of a child-molesting ghost had flown out […]

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Who Actually Invented the First Machine Gun?

“I never shall forget the way, That Blood upon this awful day, Preserved us all from death. He stood upon a little mound, Cast his lethargic eyes around, And said beneath his breath : “Whatever happens we have got, The Maxim Gun, and they have not.” This passage, from Hillaire Belloc’s 1898 poem The Modern Traveller, infamously captures the awesome […]

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The Brink of Starvation- The Inspiring Tale of Inventing Instant Ramen

Ah, instant ramen: friend to starving students and broke individuals everywhere. A convenient and delicious source of cheap calories, it is the perfect meal for getting through exam season or stretching a dollar until the next paycheque arrives. Available in a dizzying array of styles and flavours, instant ramen is enjoyed all around the world, with an estimated 290 million […]

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The Great Vibrator Myth

Selfie stick. Electrical banana. Pocket pleaser. Magic wand. Divorce maker. Buzz Nightgear. Battery Operated Boyfriend. These are but a few colourful euphemisms for womankind’s best friend, found in millions of nightstand drawers across the globe: the vibrator. If you are a connoisseur of strange product origins then you’ve likely heard the quirky and unlikely story of the vibrator’s creation, which […]

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To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before: How do Astronauts Answer the Call of Nature in Space?

It was 8:15 AM on May 5, 1961, and astronaut Alan Bartlett Shepard Jr. was facing an unexpected crisis. Chosen to be the first American – and the second human – in history to blast into space, at 5:15 AM Shepard had been strapped into his Mercury spacecraft Freedom 7 and the hatch bolted shut behind him. Liftoff was scheduled […]

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How do They Make Decaf Coffee and Tea and Non-Alcoholic Beer and Wine?

Caffeine. Alcohol. Nicotine. These are the three most widely-consumed drugs in the world. Every day, around 80% of the world’s population – around 6.4 billion people – consumes caffeine – typically in the form of coffee, tea, or cola – with the average consumer’s daily intake being around 200 milligrams. Meanwhile, 32.5% of the world’s population – around 2.4 billion […]

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Nazi Germany’s Utterly Bonkers Wooden Manned Missile

On this channel, we have covered our fair share of weird, wonderful, and sometimes utterly bonkers German ‘secret weapons’ from the Second World War, from rocket-powered fighters that sometimes dissolved their pilots alive to midget submarines cobbled together from old torpedoes, piggyback bombers crammed with explosives, jet fighters designed to be flown by children, and even weaponized space shuttles. But […]

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Where Do Letters to Santa Actually Go?

Pretty much as long as Santa has been Santaing, kids have been trying to send him messages through various means, including, of course, in written form. But when these written messages are mailed, what do the post offices’ the world over actually do with the letters? Well, it turns out, some rather interesting things in some regions, such as in […]

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WWII’s Most Absurd Secret Weapons

In the early morning hours of June 6, 1944, a massive Allied invasion force comprising some 5,000 ships, 1,200 aircraft, and 160,000 troops steamed across the English Channel towards the beaches of Normandy. It was the opening act of Operation Overlord, the largest amphibious invasion in history and the battle that would finally secure an Allied foothold in western Europe […]

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Who Invented the Submarine?

It is the ultimate naval weapon. Lurking unseen beneath the waves, it can travel the world’s oceans at will and appear without warning, unleashing a deadly salvo of ship-killing torpedoes or world-ending nuclear missiles before melting away back into the depths. It is, of course, the submarine. But the stealthy, ultra-sophisticated nuclear submarines of today did not suddenly appear fully-formed; […]

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That Time the British Military Tried to Replace Parachutes with Rockets

Of all major military conflicts of the Twentieth Century, the Second World War stands apart. Not only was it the deadliest conflict in modern history, claiming an estimated 85 million lives, or about 1 in every 25 people, but it was also arguably history’s first truly technological war. While many now-ubiquitous military technologies such as aircraft, tanks, and submarines saw […]

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