Why We Are Supposed to Take Our Hats Off for the National Anthem
Today I found out why we are supposed to take our hats off for the national anthem.
The origins of this tradition happen to be the same as the origins of the tradition of saluting. Knights, wearing helmets that covered their heads, would typically lift their visors to show their faces to their monarchs and others as a sign of friendliness and possibly respect in some cases. The tradition of using ones right hand also comes from this. Most people are right handed and thus, if your right hand is exposed and busy lifting your visor, it can’t contain a weapon. This then is a sign symbolic of submission.
Fast forward a bit in history and this developed into the salute for soldiers. At first, the soldiers would doff their helmets or other head-ware as a sign of respect. However, the Coldstream Guards in 1745 were the first to forbid this: “The men are ordered not to pull off their hats when they pass an officer, or to speak to them, but only to clap up their hands to their hats and bow as they pass them.”
This practice quickly caught on, owing to the fact that the helmet or hat is a part of the uniform and thus it began to be thought of as disrespectful to take it off. It also could be dangerous to take off a helmet in battle with gunfire and other shrapnel about.
Fast forward through history though and doffing a hat is still firmly entrenched as a sign of respect in a non-military setting, excepting in the case of women. It was once considered very disrespectful for a woman to take her hat off during the national anthem and still is today to some extent. To find out the reasons why on that, see the “Bonus Factoids” section below.
Here’s the problem though with all of this; there is no other reason besides “respect” for doing so today. It’s on the fringes of circular reasoning; not quite there, but almost. We are to take our hats off because it is respectful, but it’s respectful because it’s respectful. Hats do not typically cover faces and I don’t know anyone who takes weapons to ball games or other sporting events where the anthem is traditionally played these days.
It has even gone so far as to be a law in the United States to take your hat off during the national anthem, but only for those not in the military (once again, those in the military are typically never to take their hats off during the national anthem as the hat is a part of their uniform). This law is under United States penal code Title 36, Chapter 10. There is no penalty listed for failure to comply, but it’s still a law. Specifically: “During a rendition of the national anthem… (B) men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold the headdress at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart…”
Emily Post, in 1922, says “It is not necessary to add that every American male citizen stands with his hat off at the passing of the ‘colors’ and when the national anthem is played. If he didn’t, some other more loyal citizen would take it off for him.” It would seem to me that this act of forcing someone to remove their hat would actually disrespect the flag and what it stands for with the more “loyal citizen” she describes, actually more or less spitting on what the flag and the anthem represent.
On that note, I think one soldier’s comments I read recently said it best when he said the following: “I always thought showing true respect for the flag and song itself was in having the right to choose whether to keep my hat on or off.”
Bonus Facts:
- The correct way for a man to remove his hat for a lady is to remove it with a flourish and in a flirtatious manner, according to Susan Witt, professor of international protocol at San Diego State University.
- Also according to Witt, even though it is considered uncouth for a lady to remove her hat pretty much at any time other than at certain times in doors (during the daytime at one’s own home with no guests) and if the hat is blocking someone’s view. If someone takes offense at the lady keeping her hat on during the national anthem, for the sake of civility, the lady should take her hat off.
- According to “Miss Manners”, the reason behind the difference in rules between men and women in regards to hat etiquette is due to the fact that, traditionally, women wore hats that often would be elaborately pinned into their hair; they also may contain flowers, bows, ribbons, and other decorations that would be difficult to remove and put back in. Thus, if a woman is simply wearing a baseball cap that is easily removed and put back on, they cannot claim the “ladies exemption”.
- Among most Christian churches, it is also typically considered very rude for men to wear their hats in church. Once again, ladies are traditionally exempted from this and indeed, traditionally were required to wear hats in church. For the reason behind this, read the next factoid.
- Much older records of etiquette professionals than Miss Manners provides, state that women must be allowed to keep their hats on because when a woman takes off her hat, her hair and possibly more of her flesh will be exposed. This will cause the men around to think lustful thoughts and thus they will be unable to focus on contemplations of patriotism or in church, unable to fully give their attentions to learning about God. So in this case, baseball caps should still remain on for women, lest they cause all the men around to be distracted.
- Yet another idiotic tradition regarding hats is that when men put something on their hatband, the thing must only be placed on the left side. Anything on a woman’s hatband must only be placed on the right side. Failure to comply in this will result in death by firing squad.
- Miss Manners also notes that women who wear daytime hats (hats with brims for blocking the sun), must take them off at dusk… (presumably if they don’t, the universe will be sucked up in the ensuing vortex created by the act of not taking off ones daytime hat at dusk.) On a side note, one time, I saw this woman who was wearing a daytime hat at night; you should have seen the scandal. People had to cover children’s eyes and many of us wondered why the police weren’t called in to deal with the situation. I’ve never been so offended in all my life…
- According to Emily Post, if a man encounters a woman in an elevator in an apartment building or hotel, as those are places people live, he must immediately take off his hat. Once he’s back in the corridor, he’s allowed to put it back on without the dogs being called in. A corridor, you see, is considered like a public street. Normally, the elevator is also considered like a public street, but not when a lady is present and the elevator is in a building people live in. If the elevator is not in a building people live in, then he may keep his hat on if he chooses without being offensive. *the more you know*
- Emily Post also notes, men should never tip or lift their hat for people they know, excepting their wife or if they are passing a woman in a narrow space or if the man wants to speak to a woman. If a man runs into a woman he knows and wants to talk to her, he must take the hat all the way off and can only put it back on if she walks away or if the man walks with her somewhere.
- One of the greatest insults a man can give to another man (apparently, according to etiquette traditionalists) is to tip his hat at another man. This is akin to calling the other man a woman… So one time, this guy tipped his hat at me and I was like “Hey! You calling me a woman, fella?” and he was like “I reckon I am ya yella bellied slop bucket!” and I was like “Just so we’re clear, turkey!” then he spit some tabacky and we went our separate ways. It was intense.
- Traditionally, in most military etiquette, saluting should only be undertaken if the soldier is not wearing a headdress of some sort. Further, one should never salute when in a crowd or where the distance from the officer makes it impractical to salute. Military personal should always use a “quick time” salute when marching double time. A salute should always be done with the right hand, unless physically unable to do so, in which case the left hand is acceptable. The exceptions to the above appropriate saluting occasions are when in the presence of royalty, presidents or other state governors. In this case, one should always present a salute, regardless of circumstance.
- In traditional British saluting practices, saluting an officer is not meant as a sign of respect to the officer, but rather a sign of respect to the monarch, who the officer represents.
- In the navy, saluting is done with palms downward. This is because traditionally, aboard ships, men’s hands would get very dirty working the lines. The palm downwards or sometimes closed fist salute, hides the grime.
- At Yankee stadium and now New Yankee Stadium, during the 7th inning stretch, it has been traditional since 2001 to play “God Bless America”. During this time, people are asked to remove their hats out of respect. It should also be noted that one fan was recently forcibly kicked out of the stadium by the police for going to the bathroom during said song (he later sued and won). It should be noted that “God Bless America” is not the national anthem and is merely a patriotic song. My other proclivities against being forced to take your hat off in a country based on freedom aside, are we now to show any patriotic song the same reverence as the national anthem? Perhaps when Yankee Doodle Dandy plays, we should all doff our hats and cover our hearts?
- The words “don” and “doff”, as in “put on your hat” or “take off your hat” respectively, come from the British colloquialisms from the contractions of “do on”, meaning “to do”, and the Middle English “doffen”, which means “to do off”.
- At the turn end of the 19th century, hats were pretty much worn by everyone when they went outdoors; this was initially not so much about fashion as it was about practicality. The hats keep the sun off you in the summer and your head warm in the winter. In addition to this, in the cities where, at that time, there was an amazing amount of industrial dirt and grime about, the hats were good for keeping the dirt off your head and out of your hair.
- When one removes a hat, proper hat etiquette defines that the lining should never show; one must always hold the hat in such a way that the outside is all that’s visible.
- In Jewish synagogues, non-married women are not to wear hats or scarves. Married women may do so as a sign of their increased modesty towards men that are not their husband.
- Orthodox Jewish men should always wear a “kippah” (which means “dome”) hat as a sign of humility towards God. The only exceptions for the extremely orthodox are to be when they are swimming, bathing, or sleeping. (note, during the national anthem is not one of those exceptions for orthodox American Jews… lucky) 😉
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A recent change allows former military members to salute while wearing a hat (civilian). If you don’t have a hat, place right hand over heart.
USMC 1970-1972
Actually, you do not have to be covered to render the salute. Those of us who were in the Navy and Marines may not be used to saluting uncovered, but the Army and Air Force salute uncovered and covered both as well as indoors. So the new rules simply state that a veteran may render the salute even when not in uniform, covered or uncovered, in or out of doors when the anthem plays or when the colors are presented, raised, or lowered. It does not state a requirement for being covered, as that is a Navy/USMC thing.
Regarding the military etiquette factoid… I don’t know about services outside of the United States, but I do know the United States Marine Corps only salutes when they *are* wearing a cover (hat), although you said a salute is only necessary when not wearing a headdress.
As for the crowd thing, it was explained to us (in the Army) that it wasn’t proper to salute in a social setting, not necessarily just a crowd, although it is proper to give a greeting and acknowledge the officer.
Another interesting rule… one should always take their cover off when in doors, unless under arms. Carrying the colors (flags) is considered being “under arms.” So, if you’ve got an official flag, or are armed, you are never to take your cover off.
I also found it interesting when my son became a cub scout that scouts do not need to take their hats off for the pledge of allegience as long as it is part of their uniform and they salute at the brim of their hat.
Yes, I agree. I also found the military to be a bunch of cross dressing pussys. In fact the salute is a methaphor for a hard on. When you see a senior officer in public you give the secret sign of “I have a hard on for you”, in private they give pleasure to the senior officers. The placing of the hand over the heart in public is likewise a reference to touching the senior officers private parts.
Jusin, how far into your buttt did you have to reach to find that information? I’m guessing at least up to the elbow.
Jusin- You need psychological help. You’re complete filth without a single truth to any comment.
We continue to “disrespect” our flag by insisting anyone has “died for it”, for “our freedom”, tainting it with the blood of peoples teen daughters and sons, who are made to believe its a career “option”. Oh, I was born and raised in America and indoctrinated to believe this unsustainable marketing spin as well. But after growing the corporate ladder to Executive level and traveling around the world, I finally woke up about what it is all about. The anti-war book made movie, Hunger Games, was written by a woman that experienced the horror of war firsthand, and was rightfully taught by her parents to become aware, and she tells a story of a “Sci Fi” dystopian North America of tomorrow. Yet, it is metaphorical of today. All the metaphors are there reflecting USofArms war economy and culture of violence for profit, played out like a violent video game on TV for all to watch. The “tributes”, how we glorify our victims called soldiers all decorated in glittery “honor”, when what those girls and boys are, represents victims of horrific violence that in reality, never had to be. The false idols and “enemies” played up by our media using scare tactics. The US Military has NEVER been about “defense”, its always been about money in wrong direction, as we arm the world (including Isis) to the teeth as weapons and war are profitable for the sick capitol and its cronies. USA today ranks 88th in global peace DUE to our “tradition” of saluting to our flag for those innocent yet misinformed soldiers. Everything we thought so alluringly American has brought our nation down today, like all empires before us. Want to be pro-American? Fight for clean air, clean water, clean souls, money into infrastructure, schools, the social good rather than money into needless battles for booty while the Capitol starves communities. USA is the only nation that makes such a big deal of our flag. Until the American Flag stops being used as a symbol of oppression, there is no reason to have our innocent children ‘salute” to it or take their hats off, as its an insult to our soldiers lives, an insult to reality itself. Get over it already.
You are so wrong.. hope you never had anyone serve in the arm forces lady. They would beat you for your comment!. My son proudly serves USAF! He now appreciates what an honor it is to serve and protect us and the meanings of removing hats and standing and the sacrifices the founding fathers made for us!.. what a pile of puke you spilled.
I’m black so I’m not sure what sacrifices your founding fathers made for me? Also the National Anthem, hate etiquette and all this other stuff excluded me for a long time. And the military hasn’t really protected me as much as I was just protected by close association with you. Maybe now since Isis and Al Queda I’m protected too. But before that my 3rd class freedoms weren’t protected at all. I guess the Civil War was about protecting and freeing me. So you are right on that one. WWI and WW2 were more about you, I just would have had a worse deal if Hitler had won. Whatever the military wants to do with hats is fine. But all these other rules for non military folks is completely stupid.
Hmmmm “Jusin Cocks”. That must be what u fantasize about. What ever floats your boat. U must be one of those cowards who plays on your computer all day because u can’t keep a job. Rock on Hard on. Get a life.
“I don’t know anyone who takes weapons to ball games or other sporting events where the anthem is traditionally played these days.”
I think you’d be surprised. 🙂 The National Anthem isn’t a magic talisman against violent crime, you know..
Military regulation is to only salute in a situation where you are outside and wearing a cover(hat of some sort) in your military uniform. Also, all branches of the United States military salute with their palm tilted down and out of sight.
And I don’t particularly care for the personal touches you added to this post. I felt they took away from the facts that I enjoy reading so much.
@Sarahsaurus: sources? From all the sources I’m seeing, the Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, and Public Health Service Corps do only salute when the head is covered. However, the U.S. Army and U.S. Air force salute with both covered an uncovered heads.
I’m in the Navy, we salute only when you’re wearing a cover. I’ve been in air force JROTC, also only salute when wearing a cover.
I make use of my freedom by keeping my hat on during anthems just to remind the aggressively patriotic people that they, like everyone else, must not force others to do what they want merely because they think it’s a nice idea. Sure it’s nice to some people, not all. But true freedom includes the right to do the legal things that other people think are stupid. As ever: be careful in forcing others to do the “right” thing.
Because Americans are mindless zombies who just do whatever Authority tells them to do.
To “authority sucks”. You are right on, so refreshing to see someone here that understands this! America’s Hunger Games have got to stop! A salute to the US Flag is NO different than the Germans once did to Hitler’s swasticka. Today, Germany ranks 15th most peaceful nation, USA 98th DUE to our perpetual military spending, our perpetual wars, under huge false pretense of “freedom” and “regime change”…..over “there” somewhere! Thank you for your positive enlightenment. Our war economy is killing our nation, our people.
In regard to saluting: In the USMC, you NEVER salute with your left hand, this being a sign of disrespect. To prevent misunderstanding, any items that can be carried in one hand should be carried in the left hand so as to always be able to render a proper salute at a proper time. If both hands are occupied, an acknowledgement and proper greeting of the day are sufficient. As previously stated by Kanna, it is not proper to salute indoors, unless under arms, and a cover (hat) should always be removed indoors unless under arms. A current or former military member should also stand at the P.O.A. (position of attention) during the National Anthem, rather than with a hand over his/her heart. This is just as respectful, and shows significantly more discipline, an exception to this would be if the military member was helping someone else take their hat off.
The robotic, unthinking replies to this article reflect the deep cognitive dissonance disorder throughout our nation, of obedience to a tyrannical order. The US Military, and our wars have always only ever been about corporate profit, the lives of those girls/boys called soldiers far more critical than any “salute” to a flag with the marketing spin of “freedom, security, liberty”. Its never been about these ideals. We are a war economy.
How about salute to all flags, the world. Its a more pro-American, “Patriotic” thing to do today, since our war economy is what is bringing our nation down today, what is causing “terrorist” attacks, as we go off on a forever war against “terrorism”, an oxymoron. The word terrorism itself deeply buried in the rubble of war, meaningless. Its a fallout of decades upon decades of our fed government sponsoring “terrorism”, arming rebels to bring about “regime change” in the middle east. Realistically, the extremist regime that needs to change in order to bring about world peace, is our own. The US Military is today, still the biggest, most violent organization in the world, comprised of innocent yet misinformed women and men who are made to believe they “fight for our country”.
Let it go already. And start “saluting” to yourselves first, to your sanity, your health and well being, to reality itself. If we want to “serve” our nation, fight for clean air, clean water, clean souls. That is what protects our people, not war.
Thank God teens/tweens today understand the direct anti-war message in Hunger Games trilogy. All the metaphors are there. Its the author’s intent, to educate the next generation on a corrupt capital putting innocent kids in a fighting arena, while the crowd cheers on to the anthem, while our TV & media glorify it all with glittery “honor” calling them “careers” or “tributes”. If the US Flag stood for “freedom”, we would not see millions of our own youth wrapped in it within a coffin, while USA drops to 98th in Global Peace rating.
I don’t rant….I speak reality. Let go of the misplaced anger, false fear tactics of our media all owned by war profiteers…Life is good! The rant is within the sick, unsustainable, disrespectful to the lives of our soldiers tagline, “freedom isn’t free” or equally as insane “home of the free because of the brave”, a glorification of the violence. Our soldiers are victims, not victors. Our entire next generation deserves better. Put money into education, infrastructure, our people rather than being slaves for oil in a 3rd world.
This whole hat stuff is gotten way out of hand, why do people really care. Honoring the flag? the flag is a piece of fabric with colors.. JUST LIKE MY HAT. the national anthem is a variety of instruments put together into a melody and recorded, hats do not interfere with the sound waves so I do not see a reason why its necessary to remove it. This is just something people say because its what people have always said but they dont ever question it. Like the great George Carlin said.. “I don’t want to be part of any group that either has to wear a hat, or cannot wear a hat. wearing a hat is simply optional”
of course it’s just a piece of fabric with colors, just like your hat.
the difference is, your hat does NOT symbolize those who fought and died so you can be a selfish a-hole
it’s not about what’s necessary; it’s about respect. guess your momma didn’t teach you that
@RobGrognerd: I think you’re missing the point. Something that’s only respectful because it’s considered respectful, but doesn’t actually truly demonstrate any meaningful representation of respect, doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense. True respect would actually be doing something meaningfully respectful, like perhaps donating to the Children of Fallen Soldiers Relief Fund . That tradition would be one I could get behind (perhaps at every ballgame during the national anthem having a basket passed around each row, church-style, collection for some charity like the linked one above). If the average take from that was even just $1 per person, that would be about $70M collected each season. For something arbitrarily respectful, I could say (and do) that it’s even more respectful to leave your hat on, taking advantage of the freedom afforded by “those who fought and died so [I] can be a selfish a-hole”. By the way, my brother Kelly is one of those who fights (career army man).
Being forced to take your hat off during the national anthem, just because every body else does, and because every body else says it’s the right thing do to…that goes against everything this country stands for…that goes against everything this country stands for!!! I was at a recent ballgame with my dad and he was angry at me for not taking my hat off during the anthem..I understand that its respectful and a tradition but why? Why is me being forced to take my hat off a sign of respect? That goes against everything this country stands for…Please can someone enlighten me on this subject…and don’t just tell me its because its a sign of respect and tradition, WHY!!!! because everyone else does it?!?!?!
In Canada there is a bizarre tradition in Military Legions. (Legions are clubs for military vets, but the public is welcome to hang out too.) All men are expected to remove their hats upon entering a legion & must leave the hat off until you exit the building. It’s like the shittiest drinking game ever. “hey Frank, let’s go have a few beers & shout at people who wear hats!” I’ve been the hatted guy being yelled at by old farts. What a stupid game.
Wow. I am honored to show any respect possible when the national anthem is sung…out of respect for the thousands who have died protecting our country…which the flag represents. To not do so…just because you think you need to represent your freedoms differently or that you don’t want to conform is like spitting in the face of those who gave up their life for you, in my opinion.
@Sammy: The main point is not that it demonstrates freedoms by not doing it (though that is a point directed at people who get angry at those who don’t and try to make them do it), it’s that there is no reason that taking off one’s hat shows respect. It simply does because we say it does. If we really wanted to show respect, we’d actually, you know, demonstrate that respect in a tangible way. We’d have traditions like donating time or money (even just pennies) to various military related charities or the like. Taking off your hat accomplishes nothing. It’s the “we support the military” bumper sticker equivalent. Most who sport that don’t actually ever do a single thing in their lifetime to actually support the military other than pay taxes, which they are forced to and probably wouldn’t if the IRS gave them permission not to.
@ Daven Hiskey: I agree with your point about not removing the hat and that doing so out of “respect” doesn’t really mean anything (except by social agreement), and it’s a nice suggestion you make about donating money or time, however, you are simply replacing one silly tradition in exchange for another because YOU think it demonstrates respect in a “meaningful” way. Your irony is hilarious. After reading all these posts what is clear is that human being like to attach meaning to anything and everything. I don’t remove my hat for the simple reason that I don’t conform to silly social agreements. I also don’t say “bless you” when someone sneezes. To be a mind numbed robot who does whatever they are told is not healthy in my opinion. To make a contest our of what act constitutes respect in a meaningful way and to suggest your idea is “better” or more “meaningful” only suggests that you think your ideas are the good ones and that we should do it your way. If I suggest we should all drop our pants and moon the audience because to me, that is the true sign of respect, what makes my idea any better or worse than any other? I am sure many would be willing to offer tons of reasons “why” which would only go on to miss the entire point. Have fun with making a contest out of the “best” way to be respectful in a “meaningful” way.
In the Army, It’s a salute 6 paces out or “recognition distance” wearing your cover. Never indoors, or under cover, i.e. an awning or a garage, etc…
Wow, is it really such a big deal? Yes it shows respect to take off your hat, no one is asking you to do something that difficult. There are times that it is the proper thing to do. The flag should be shown respect, stand when it passes you, take off your hat for the pledge and national anthem. Put your hand on your heart. Whether you like it or not America is a nice place to live. You have the right to be disrespectful, but sadly most (and I said most not all of you)have never done anything to earn that right.
“Here’s the problem though with all of this; there is no other reason besides “respect” for doing so today.”
God and Country above all. Your “problem” with this is directly related to your age, and thus your sense of privilege. You think you have no reason to show a gesture of respect to the country you live in. Well, you do. The amount of blood spilled and lives sacrificed should be reason enough, but then if you understood that simple truth you wouldn’t be authoring ridiculous articles like this.
very strange, the whimpering about knights etc is just cutesy, the basis of headgear removal as any student of history knows is subservience. A slave or employee goes to the “master hand in hand” , one doffs their hat in the presence of superiors, bosses, nobles, kings, judges etc. removal for women vs ladies? yes there is a difference) Does anyone really imagine that Lord XX removed his hat in the presence of servants, female tenants etc. It is almost always a symbol of secondary or lower status, or faux-respect.
Atheist friend reading over shoulder commented that Jews keep there head covered because they as chosen people having a covenant with God, are not terrified of him. & talk to him direct. So Christians remove their hats as servants or slaves to some church & thus to God. He pointed out that Cardinals & Popes do NOT bare their heads, as they are the tools of God on earth to those that believe. I dunno but interesting view.