Category Archives: Articles

Why the Number Four Is Considered Unlucky In Some East Asian Cultures

Today I found out why the number four is considered to be unlucky in some East Asian cultures (mainland China, Japan, Korea,  and Taiwan,  among others). In the Chinese culture, whether a number is considered auspicious or not typically depends on whether the number’s name sounds similar to other words with positive or negative meanings or connotations. With respect to […]

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Ad Network Problem

Some users are reporting that a vertical skyscraper ad is occasionally showing up blocking the main content of the articles. I’ve not seen it yet and am obviously on my site all the time, so I’m hoping the problem isn’t affecting most of you. *crosses fingers* I’ve contacted my ad company to get them to remove them, but it takes […]

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The Color Orange Was Named After the Fruit

cheating orange

Today I found out the color orange was named after the fruit, not the other way around.   Before then, the English speaking world referred to the orange color as geoluhread, which literally translates to “yellow-red”. The word orange itself was introduced to English through the Spanish word “naranja”, which came from the Sanskrit word nāraṅga, which literally means “orange tree”.  […]

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