Tag Archives: exercise

What Causes Muscle Soreness After Exercising (Note: It’s Not Lactic Acid)

Muscle Cell

Today I found out what causes muscle soreness after workouts. Since the early 20th century, this specific type of muscle soreness, called “delayed onset muscle soreness” (DOMS), was thought to be cause by lactic acid buildup in the muscles during strenuous workouts where your body’s oxygen supply is depleted.  Recent research has shown this is not the case at all […]

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What Causes the Pain in Your Side You May Occasionally Feel While Running

Thoracic Diaphragm

Today I found out what causes the pain in your side you may occasionally feel while running or doing other jarring activities. This pain, known often as “side stitch” and more technically as “exercise related transient abdominal pain” (ETAP), often occurs while running, swimming, and horse riding, among others; it is caused by various stresses on your diaphragm that result […]

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