Some Women Do Have Adam’s Apples
Myth: Women Don’t Have Adam’s Apples. In fact, it’s actually not that terribly uncommon if you were to look close enough to most women’s throats, though “man sized” Adam’s Apples are somewhat rare in women. The “Adam’s Apple” is really just an enlarged larnyx which becomes big enough to be visible in your neck. For those of you who don’t know, the larnyx’s primary purpose is as a voice box. It also has an alternative purpose in aiding in the process of closing off the airways in your throat when you swallow. This is why it generally seems to disappear when you swallow, as it is being pulled upward to aid in this process. Around puberty, both men and women’s voice boxes get bigger. This in turn makes their voices deeper, with men’s larynges growing more than women’s and thus making for a deeper voice, typically.
Sources and Why the Adam’s Apple is Called the “Adam’s Apple”
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I’m female I have a man sized adam’s apple but I don’t have a deep voice. Why do I have an adam’s apple this big? T^T
So do I…I have also wondered if this was a normal thing. Due to many have mentioned it. I unfortunately am unable to change this part of me. I do not have a lower voice either so any info would be greatly appreciated
Me three, can’t do nothing about it. My voice is actually pretty soft and quiet haha
Me, four I have Adam s apple but I have a good and light voice… tell me why I have this my classmates says I’m a boy 🙁
can you show some pictures?
Well ladies, us guys use the Adam’s Apple to distinguish between a real female and a Tranny.
Not saying this is correct, but just letting you know the truth.
Lois, you have 2 strikes against you..
You have a Deep Voice, and a large Adam’s Apple so more than likely, men will think you’re a Tranny.
Good Luck Ladies.
And what, exactly, is wrong with being transgender?
It is akin to a little child attempting to modify his body to become spiderman because he saw it on some form of media. Transgenderism is no different in this day and age.
How in the hell are you going to have a username such as “Follower of Christ.”, even though God said “Love Thy Neighbor.” Like I am an atheist and even I know that line from the bible.
“Love” thy neighbor — not “Lie to” thy neighbor. See the difference? The latter is what would be anti-Christian. Telling the truth about the fact that transgenderism is a mental disorder is, in fact, being very Christian. Virtue signalling the acceptance of the lie is what is evil.
J, by that logic, people that tell you your religion is a mental disorder are also doing this out of “love”.
And more than that, why do you assume that everything revolves around a man finding a woman sexually appealing? I think you need a reality check, mate – this is the 21st century, we women don’t need a man’s approval, and we certainly don’t need them to get off. Though technically, we never needed to begin with, but it’s actually culturally accepted, now. Get your head out of your butt. Men and women are equal.
Many men choose not to date/marry transgender women Tasha.
Yes, men can be replaced with a piece of plastic. Women have been replaced with a hand. Women may be man haters, but men are really beginning to dislike the modern foul-mouthed obnoxious woman. Women are becoming more vulgar and violent by the day. The family is dying. Men and women don’t like each other. Equality does not have to mean equally bad you know. We should be striving to take the best from each other, not the worst.
Ok…and the end of the human race? Women don’t need men? And men don’t need women? WHAT ARE WE COMING TO? WHY ARE YOU SO IGNORANT OF BASIC BIOLOGY?
And you are going to say “well, that’s why we have test tubes”..right?
Tasha: So men and women are equal. But women don’t need men. Yet by the tone of your comment, you expect men to bow down to you, just because you have a vagina?! Face it babe. You’re in the wrong. You’re just some crazed feminist, secretly envying prettier women that get all the men. Same for us men… We don’t need to mess around with people like you, when there are friendlier, sexier, better women that are much easier to satisfy than some man-hating nutjob.
Dude she said she doesn’t have low voice. Also that fucking dumb to use that rule of thumb, you do know there’s such a thing as tracheal shave which takes away the appearance of Adam’s apple.
Also a lot of men don’t have Adam’s apple. Ths is mostly tree in the Asian population where men well passed their puberty stage have a smooth neck.
You misread what Lois wrote. She said she DIDN’T have a large Adam’s apple.
This is why Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos has such a deep voice. She’s got a huge Adam’s Apple that kind of bulges prominently while she speaks. Too bad she is making one excuse after another for her faulty blood-testing invention.
It’s funny to me that since we in the LGBT community have received on legal rights, we seem to have more and more women with Adam’s apple’s. I’ve seen this more in my 40’s. Never in my 20’s or 30’s but in my 40’s. With all the people I have been around in my life, men have only been the one’s to have a noticeable Adam’s apple. Now we see more and more women on tv with the noticeable Adam’s apple. I JUST want to know if it is a man or woman, a transgender, or whatever else gender.
If you decide you want to be a trans gender that’s your choice just like a man choosing not to date one is their choice, if I was a man I sure in the hell would want to know, let’s face it, trans can’t have babies and a man has a right to know and choose, trans get their choice and everyone else gets theirs too. This goes for women also who gets their choice in dating a born male or not.
I also have a man sized Adams apple but it showed up when I was pregnant with my twins and was in the hostipal with an overactive thyroid.
I have an Adam’s apple and I’ve been a girl my entire life! I was hoping to see that it was something that was not abnormal however by the comments posted it but it looks like there are many people out there that are going to assume that I’m transgender when I’m not I am a proud mother of two beautiful daughters and just wanted to see if this was something that other people had going on. It’s unbelievable to me that people like me that have this are being immediately considered someone that might be transgender to other people in the CyberWorld there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being transgender but it is just kind of stupid that people wouldn’t Google to figure out if this is something that goes on between both men and women before assuming. We all know what assuming does !!
I too have a larger one as well! I am feminine, married, mother of 2, stepmother of 2 also, with 4 grandkids. I have what guys call a very sexy, sultry voice, like Lorain Bacall. I’m 54, never had a problem attracting men in my life, however, within the last couple of years I have been approached by men saying I was the most attractive man they’ve ever seen. ( because of the so called Adams apple). People can be so cruel!
Yeah, I have seen women with a large Adam’s apple, but actually never thought about it before. I just saw a woman with a large Adam’s apple, nothing more. It isn’t anything I have dwelt on long enough to wonder if they were transgender or not. Like, I actually have a life, y’know? 🙂
What’s sad is that transgender individuals are considered normal when they suffer from body dismorphic disorder. Men aren’t looking to date and marry a tranny they want a wife and family. It’s sad that now men have to wonder if you’re a man or women or vise Versa. Now tranny men are crushing women in sports. We’re not the same it’s a fact.
Every women here telling she has a adams apple -> Either they lie to deceive men who start to believe this nonsense. Or ask your parents what they had in mind when they gave you hormons when you were a child or maybe the hospital. I am a Man and have huge Adam’s Apple but I do NOT have an extremly deep voice. I know many other male colleagues that have deep voices but their adam’s apple and throat is little. What most of them have in common is drugs and alcohol consumption either in their youth or today. I noticed when I go party and drink alcohol and speak loud all night, my voice becomes extremly deep and bassy for mostly 1 to 2 days after the event. In the times where I was drinking bear everyday it was the same way. Today I do not drink anymore and dont like to party. My voice is higher than most others but still manly.
In addition: My adam’s apple does not disappear when swallowing.
I’m a woman witn a visible Adam’s apple. Men and women both have them. Usually man’s is more visible than a woman’s. It doesn’t make you any less female if you have a more prominent Adam’s apple. Mine has been clearly visible my whole life and I’ve never had any problems with men or women assuming I’m transgenger. We can take a kindergarten lesson and learn everyone is different and perfectly fine just the way they are. And if people can guess that you are gay/straight/transgender/bisexual, all off of a quick glance at your Adam’s apple, they have a serious talent and should find a way to make money off of it
Im a girl and I have a large Adam’s apple and before guys try to talk to me they ask me if I’m a transgender I look like a girl and
I’m snapped like an hourglass but the first thing they see is my Adam’s apple and I didn’t realize how many beautiful girls go through the same
Being transgender isn’t the issue, it’s procreation and THE FACT that STRAIGHT MEN and STRAIGHT WOMEN are in sexual terms, HETEROSEXUAL aka WE DESIRE THE OPPOSITE SEX…so when a transgender individual says “I have value” I say “yes, you have much value as a human soul, but you can’t pay me any amount to date you” WHY? Because I simply desire women, as a hetero-male! Not hatred, just the FACT that I desire WOMEN BY MY VERY NATURE…and to say that I am wrong or hateful because I won’t even entertain the thought of dating a man, no matter how many surgeries are done, what drugs are taken, or any amount of makeup will never change my mind, end. of. discussion…can’t believe I’m being called a hater for simply saying I prefer women, on EVERY ACCOUNT, when it comes to a partner for life, regarding love, procreation, and exclusive monogamous relationships .. and yes, monogamy is also a right that I have, I have THE RIGHT to FREELY EXPRESS that I AM HETEROSEXUAL and I WONT DATE TRANS!…that’s not hatred, it’s my very biological nature, no part of culture instilled that in me, I desired women as far back as I can remember..but regardless of any of your psycho-babble..being an exclusively heterosexual IS NOT “TOOLISH” nor “FOOLISH” but it is MY RIGHT and MY transgenders will I be dating, and I’m not sorry, I do, however, value them equally as people, yes, I absolutely do!..but I won’t marry them, and I can list one “objective” reason, Procreation OUTSIDE of a test tube..much love to All human souls!
Literally no one called you a hater at all here, so stop trying to be a victim. You can choose not to date Transgender people and that’s fine. No one cares and even has to know that you feel that way.
But when a person chooses to attack transgender people and ignore science and medicine while pushing their ignorant misinformation — that is when a person is nothing but a hater. The latter is what happens almost exclusively on the Internet, which is why you see people condemning the haters as horrible people (because they simply are horrible people).
You’re actually normal but the crazies own the media.
I do not think this true. Because I have a deep voice as a female, as well as being a very low alto in singing range, though that has more to do with your diaphragm. But as I was saying, I have a deep voice and I do not have an Adam’s apple.
i think i have an adams apple my voice is not that high, can the adams apple in me grow bigger?
You guys (and girls – ahem) are killing me~ lol.
Most biological women do NOT have an Adam’s Apple.
I’m sure there are exceptions but this is NOT common.
Some women do have masculine features but she will still have a female skeleton/skull structure.
This article is an attempt to normalize male features on women and cover up the fact that many of Hollywood’s actresses are in fact Transgender.
Have a nice day.
Thank you for speaking the truth! Women dont have Adam’s Apples, yet they’re becoming increasingly common on “women” these days. There is a transgender agenda and there has been for a long time, it’s just now starting to become disclosed. Hollywood is full of trannies.
I was actually amused by reading the comments and feedbacks of everyone lmao
Lol fucking retards. Some women do have a visual Adam’s apple, based on higher active thyroids, vocal nodes, slender necks and stresses such as smoking and drinking and increased levels of testosterone through high levels of stress through there teenage years. I have a slightly visible one that makes me self conscious. I am a fucking woman and have periods and all that fucking shit. The atrocity it is to read some of your idiotic responses to this and it is down right enraging. Your small minds are outstanding. It is sad to see people automatically label people based on physical appearance still. Have you not yet evolved past such adolescence? Yes due to the increasing amount of transgenders it can be permissive to be unsure but surely this is why one developed the ability to communicate? Not just judge on some sexual primal fear of fucking the opposite sex. Read a medical journal. Go to a doctor. Woman do get them. Transcend yourselves not your fucking gender. Jesus Christ. To any women out there worrying if your gonna be thought to be a transgender by any twat then remember to laugh at them, they are small minded and if they open an ear long enough to hear reason just tell them that actually yeah some women get them it’s just a thing that happens and if they don’t n start to be a dick then take out ur bloody tampon n slap em round the face with it. Or yet ignore them, twats will breed themselves out in the end. Fucking idiots some of you plain as day, lol can’t wait for the day one of you has a baby girl who grows up n ends up having a more defined Adam’s apple and ugh wouldn’t it be a shame if someone found these comments and showed her. Wonder if she would stay alive.. shaming of any kind is a sign of lower intellect.
Wasn’t an issue before transgender became common, by common i mean less than 1/4 of 1 percent. But way common in Hollywood. So men just don’t ever want to be fooled into kissing a man okay!! We’re normal we love Women not other men. Not even men who try desperately to look like women.
Are you an actual female, or do you just wish you were? Real ladies don’t speak like you do.
The most unbelievable part of all the comments here is how dissatisfied and angry everyone is. Why spend time writing hateful comments? Do you have nothing better to do with your time? The world is in desperate need of connection between people despite all the differences. Get it together, people, and think about what you’re contributing to life. That being said, I do not have a prominent Adam’s apple, but I know a woman who does. And it’s very sexy! Although like someone wrote above, it could simply be a result of an overactive thyroid. So relax, everyone, and have your thyroids checked.
Such a shame these comments.
We hate a person before we know them, just because of what they are.
Know poeple for who they are.
Even at this era, we still have narrow minded people, that can’t live and let live.
i am a woman with a huge huge adam’s apple. My boyfriend was choking me the other day during sex and asked me if I was a transgender. Needless to say it killed the tension in the room. I am SICK of having this huge lump in my throat, anyone else know how to cope with it
You can get it shaved down with no ill effect.
I’m a 36 yo biological female and have a visible adam’s apple. Only twice in my life was I asked about it: once at age 13 and once at age 22. Both times by a guy “hitting” on me (great way to get that number guys! -_-). Other than that, I’ve never had any issues getting dates, attracting guys, etc. When I was younger, I used to worry about it quite a bit. However, over time I’ve stopped worrying so much (one of the perks of getting older). I would be lying if I didn’t say I’ve thought about having it shaved down but honestly? Who really cares? No one is derived from a cookie-cutter and if I’m okay with it then that’s enough. To the other ladies out there dealing with this…well, I was going to say keep your head up haha but…
Jokes aside, know that you’re not alone! You’re okay just the way you are.
Have a good day and spread more positivity!!! 🙂
does anyone would like to show the adam’s apple on a instagram pagea anonymously?
there are a lot of people who appreciates women adam’s apples.
I am with u … 36, Adam apple owner myself .. just a couple of people asked about it sometime, i didn’t even give a tiny little rat ass about it X)